Home What Is Acupuncture Questions You May Have Before Your Visit About Katrina Contact/Visit
red oak acupuncture


Relieving Pain, Restoring Health

Red Oak Acupuncture

Katrina Haskell, L.Ac., M.A.



CORE Therapies

at C.O.R.E. Therapies
17 Hanover Road • Building 300
Florham, NJ 07932

  • What Is Acupuncture

  • Acupuncture is an ancient system of treatment, effective in many conditions which have often not responded to conventional approaches. It involves the insertion of sterile needles through points in the skin (acupuncture points) which are shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health problems to encourage the free flow of Qi ("vital energy") through the body to restore a healthy condition and dispel pain.

    The concept of Yin and Yang, considers that everything is an amalgam of opposites. The balance of these opposites is considered to be constantly fluctuating, a dynamic balance. When Yin and Yang of the body are imbalanced, there is dis-harmony, "dis-ease."

    Ancient Chinese theorists believed that acupuncture affected the distribution of yin and yang in the meridians (energy pathways), bringing them into balance so that Qi flowed freely.

    Modern Western medicine cannot explain how acupuncture works. According to ancient theory, acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is deficient and away from areas where it is excess. However, recent research has shown that needle insertions stimulate the production of natural pain-killing and other chemical substances such as endorphins, enkephalins, and seratonin.

    Another theory (the "Gate Control" theory) suggests that acupuncture blocks the transmission of pain impulses from various parts of the body to the central nervous system.

Acupuncture Is Beneficial In The Treatment Of:

Allergies / Asthma yin yang Arthritis
yin yang Bladder / Kidney Problems yin yang
Constipation / Diarrhea yin yang Dizziness
Cough / Bronchitis yin yang Drug Addiction
Smoking Cessation yin yang Fatigue
Headache / Migraines yin yang Skin Problems
Gynecological Disorders yin yang PMS
Health Maintenance yin yang General Health
Heart Problems yin yang Heart Palpitations
High Blood Pressure yin yang Bell's Palsy
yin yang Immune System Deficiency yin yang
Sexual Dysfunction yin yang Stress / Anxiety
Pain Relief yin yang Joint Pain / Stiffness
Paralysis / Numbness yin yang Sciatica
yin yang Neck & Shoulder Pain yin yang
Tendonitis yin yang Sprains / Strains / Breaks
Sports Injuries yin yang Fibromyalgia
yin yang Chronic Fatigue Syndrome yin yang

Before Your Visit

RELAX. There is no need to be frightened.

Ask any questions you have along the way so that you will receive the most benefit possible. Try not to move suddenly or move your position. If you are uncomfortable or need to move for any reason, please tell your practitioner.

Some people experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, shortness of breath, or faintness during treatment. This is usually due to nervousness. If you experience any of these or other symptoms, inform your practitioner immediately so that she can readjust or withdraw the needles.

If you find the treatment uncomfortable or if you feel increased pain or burning sensations, let your practitioner know. Your practitioner will adjust or stop the treatment if necessary.

Questions You May Have

Does acupuncture hurt?
When your practitioner has obtained the correct stimulus of the needle, you may feel some cramping, heaviness, distention, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected meridian.

Are the needles clean?
Sterilized, individually packaged, disposable needles are used. Needles are never saved for reuse at later treatments. This eliminates any possibility for transmission of disease by a contaminated needle. Modern hygiene practices are maintained as in any healthcare profession.

How many treatments will I need?
This depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. An acute condition may require only a few treatments. Some degenerative or chronic conditions may require many treatments over time. Your practitioner will discuss this with you.

To receive the maximum benefit from your treatment:
Maintain good personal hygiene to reduce the possibility of infection. Please do not wear jewelry. Wear or bring loose fitting clothing. Avoid treatment when excessively fatigued, hungry or full, or shortly after sex.

Before your treatment, you will be asked to read and sign a Patient Advisory and Informed Consent Form. A copy of the form is available in pdf format by clicking on the link below.



Contact Red Oak Acupuncture

at C.O.R.E. Therapies

17 Hanover Rd - Building 300
Florham Park, NJ 07932

